Microsoft Teams to Monday Integration with ScreenApp

Automatic video recording, video summarization, AI-powered transcription, real-time note-taking, highlighting and bookmarking, commenting and collaboration, integration with task management, analytics and insights, searchable video library, integration with external platforms.

  • Automatic video recording: Capture and refer back to important conversations in Microsoft Teams Mondays.
  • Video summarization: Generate concise video summaries for quick catch-up in Teams.
  • AI-powered transcription: Search for keywords and phrases within meeting transcriptions for easy reference.
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Customer Stories

Video Summarization

With ScreenApp integrated into Microsoft Teams Mondays, lengthy meeting recordings can be summarized into concise and easily digestible video summaries. These summaries are automatically generated and shared within the platform, allowing team members to quickly catch up on important discussions without having to watch the entire recording.

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Automatic Video Recording

ScreenApp seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Teams Mondays to automatically record all meetings and team discussions held on the platform. This feature ensures that important conversations are captured and can be referred back to later, providing a valuable resource for team members.

Screen Recorder with Facecam

Customer Stories

Integrating Microsoft Teams to Monday is easy

  1. Go to the Integrations tab in ScreenApp Settings
  2. Select your platform from our templates or create a custom workflow
  3. Sit back and let the integration do the rest!
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