20 Free One-on-One Meeting Templates for Productive Managers

Juggling packed schedules and feeling the pressure to maximize every interaction with your team? You're not alone. Effective one-on-one meetings are a manager's secret weapon for boosting employee engagement, development, and overall performance. But let's be honest, crafting agendas, navigating awkward silences, and remembering key action items can be tricky. Enter this game-changer: 20 FREE one-on-one meeting templates designed to turn those 30 minutes into pure productivity gold. Dive in, customize, and watch your conversations transform into powerful drivers of success for both you and your team!

Written by
Andre Smith
Updated On
July 5, 2024


Feeling the strain of managing one-on-ones? You're not alone.

Effective one-on-ones are the magic ingredient for building rockstar teams, but let's be real: fitting them in, crafting agendas, and navigating awkward silences can feel like juggling flaming chainsaws.

But what if you had a secret weapon?  Introducing 20 FREE one-on-one meeting templates designed to transform those 30 minutes into pure productivity gold.  These templates tackle every scenario, from onboarding jitters to performance reviews, career development, and even conflict resolution.

Download, customize, and watch your one-on-ones go from "meh" to "memorable" – boosting employee engagement, performance, and development like never before.  Ready to become a one-on-one meeting MASTER? Let's dive in!

20 One-on-One Meeting Templates by Category:

Category 1: New Employee Onboarding

  1. First Day Welcome: Get to know each other, review expectations, clarify the role, answer questions.
  2. First Week Check-in: Discuss initial impressions, address challenges, provide feedback on progress.
  3. 30-Day Progress Review: Evaluate skill development, celebrate wins, identify areas for improvement.

Category 2: Regular Check-ins

  1. Weekly Performance Update: Discuss project progress, highlight achievements, identify roadblocks, offer support.
  2. Bi-weekly Goal Review: Assess progress towards individual and team goals, adjust strategies as needed.
  3. Monthly Feedback Exchange: Provide constructive feedback, receive employee feedback on management style and team dynamics.

Category 3: Career Development

  1. Skills Development Discussion: Explore learning opportunities, identify skill gaps, discuss training options.
  2. Career Aspirations Exploration: Understand employee's long-term goals, discuss potential career paths within the company.
  3. Project Debrief & Feedback: Analyze performance on a specific project, identify learning points, offer tailored feedback.

Category 4: Problem-solving

    10. Challenge Identification & Brainstorming: Clearly define the challenge, explore potential solutions collaboratively.

     11. Solution Evaluation & Selection: Analyze solution feasibility, choose the most viable option, assign action items.

     12. **Action Plan & ** :Develop a step-by-step plan, assign roles, schedule follow-up meetings.

Category 5: Special Situations

  1. Performance Review Meeting: Discuss performance against goals, highlight strengths and areas for improvement, set development objectives.
  2. Conflict Resolution Discussion: Address conflict objectively, identify root causes, work towards mutually agreeable solutions.
  3. Constructive Feedback Delivery: Frame feedback effectively, focus on specific behaviors, offer actionable suggestions.
  4. Exit Interview: Understand reasons for leaving, gather feedback on company culture and processes, express appreciation.

Bonus Templates:

  1. Remote Employee Check-in: Address specific challenges of remote work, foster connection and engagement.
  2. Team Member Recognition Meeting: Celebrate achievements, express appreciation, motivate continued excellence.
  3. Team Building Activity Discussion: Reflect on team-building experience, identify learnings and apply to daily work.
  4. Open Conversation Meeting: Create space for open dialogue on any topic, build trust and psychological safety.

Remember: These are just starting points. Tailor each template to your specific context and individual employee needs.

20 One-on-One Meeting Templates for Productive Managers (with Action Items!)

Remember, these are just starting points - adapt them to your specific needs and add your own questions!

Category 1: New Employee Onboarding

1. First Day Welcome: Building a Strong Foundation

Description: Make your new hire feel welcome, establish clear expectations, and clarify their role within the team.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Manager: Welcome the new employee, introduce themselves and the team, provide an overview of the company culture and values.
  • Employee: Share their background, ask questions about the company and their role, express any initial concerns.


  • Manager: What are your first impressions of the company and your role?
  • Employee: What questions do you have for me or the team?
  • Manager: What are your biggest concerns as you start your new role?

Action Items:

  • Manager: Set up introductions with key team members.
  • Employee: Familiarize themselves with company policies and procedures.
  • Both: Schedule a follow-up meeting for next week.

2. First Week Check-in: Addressing Early Challenges

Description: Discuss the new employee's initial progress, address any challenges they're facing, and provide feedback on their performance.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Manager: Ask about the employee's experience so far, identify any roadblocks they're encountering, offer support and guidance.
  • Employee: Share their progress on assigned tasks, raise any questions or concerns, seek feedback on their work.


  • Manager: What have been the biggest challenges you've faced this week?
  • Employee: Is there anything you need help with to be more successful in your role?
  • Manager: What's one thing you've learned or accomplished this week that you're proud of?

Action Items:

  • Manager: Provide additional training or resources as needed.
  • Employee: Complete specific tasks by next week.
  • Both: Schedule another check-in meeting for the following week.

3. 30-Day Progress Review: Assessing Development and Growth

Description: Evaluate the employee's skill development, celebrate their wins, and identify areas for improvement after their first month.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Manager: Review the employee's progress against initial goals, discuss their skill development, provide constructive feedback.
  • Employee: Share their overall experience during the first month, express their thoughts on the role and company culture.


  • Manager: What surprised you the most about your role or the company?
  • Employee: What skills have you developed or improved upon the most?
  • Manager: What are your biggest takeaways from your first month?

Action Items:

  • Manager: Set new goals for the next quarter.
  • Employee: Focus on specific areas for improvement identified in the discussion.
  • Both: Schedule regular check-in meetings going forward.

Category 2: Regular Check-ins

4. Weekly Performance Update: Monitoring Progress & Identifying Roadblocks

  • Manager: Review progress on key projects and tasks, evaluate goal achievement, identify any roadblocks.
  • Employee: Share updates on their work, discuss challenges faced, seek solutions or support.


  • Manager: Are you on track to meet your individual and team goals this week?
  • Employee: What roadblocks are hindering your progress, and how can I help overcome them?
  • Manager: What are you most proud of accomplishing this week?

Action Items:

  • Manager: Offer specific guidance or resources to overcome roadblocks.
  • Employee: Adjust work plan or timeline if needed, complete specific tasks by next week.
  • Both: Set clear goals for the upcoming week.

5. Bi-weekly Goal Review: Refining Strategies & Maintaining Momentum

  • Manager: Discuss progress towards individual and team goals, assess effectiveness of current strategies, consider adjustments.
  • Employee: Share their perspective on goal progress, suggest potential improvements to strategies.


  • Manager: Are your current strategies helping you achieve your goals? If not, what needs to change?
  • Employee: What additional resources or support do you need to stay on track?
  • Manager: Do you have any concerns about achieving your goals by the deadline?

Action Items:

  • Manager: Adjust goal deadlines or priorities if needed.
  • Employee: Implement agreed-upon changes to strategies.
  • Both: Schedule check-in meetings to monitor progress and make further adjustments.

6. Monthly Feedback Exchange: Fostering Growth & Building Trust

  • Manager: Provide constructive feedback on the employee's performance, highlight strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Employee: Offer feedback on the manager's leadership style, team dynamics, and work environment.


  • Manager: What specific behaviors are contributing to your success or hindering your progress?
  • Employee: How can I improve my leadership style to better support your growth and development?
  • Manager: What aspects of the company culture or work environment do you find helpful or challenging?

Action Items:

  • Manager: Implement specific actions to address feedback received from the employee.
  • Employee: Work on identified areas for improvement based on the manager's feedback.
  • Both: Discuss specific examples of positive behaviors for future reinforcement.

Category 3: Career Development

7. Skills Development Discussion: Unlocking Potential & Future Success

  • Manager: Discuss the employee's career goals and aspirations, identify skills needed for advancement.
  • Employee: Share their learning preferences and interests, express any specific skill development desires.


  • Manager: What specific skills do you think you need to develop to achieve your career goals?
  • Employee: What type of learning opportunities would be most beneficial for you (e.g., workshops, online courses, mentoring)?
  • Manager: Do you have any specific training programs or resources in mind?

Action Items:

  • Manager: Research and suggest relevant training programs or resources.
  • Employee: Identify specific skills to focus on and create a personal development plan.
  • Both: Schedule progress checks to monitor skill development and career goals.

8. Career Aspirations Exploration: Charting a Path for Growth

  • Manager: Discuss the employee's long-term career aspirations, explore potential career paths within the company.
  • Employee: Share their ideal career trajectory, express interest in specific roles or departments.


  • Manager: What kind of role do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
  • Employee: What aspects of your current position are most aligned with your career goals?
  • Manager: Are there any specific roles or departments within the company that interest you?

Action Items:

  • Manager: Connect the employee with mentors or colleagues in their desired career path.
  • Employee: Research and learn about potential career paths and necessary skills.
  • Both: Identify internal opportunities or development programs that support career aspirations.

9. Project Debrief & Feedback: Learning from Experience & Growing as Professionals

  • Manager: Discuss the employee's performance on a specific project, analyze successes and challenges.
  • Employee: Share their experience and learnings from the project, ask questions and seek feedback.


  • Manager: What were the biggest challenges you faced during this project?
  • Employee: What did you learn from this project that you can apply to future work?
  • Manager: What could we have done differently to make the project more successful?

Action Items:

  • Manager: Share best practices and resources to address identified challenges.
  • Employee: Implement learnings from the feedback to improve performance in future projects.
  • Both: Document key takeaways and lessons learned for future reference.

Category 4: Problem-solving

10. Challenge Identification & Brainstorming: Working Together to Find Solutions


  • Manager: Clearly define the problem or challenge being faced.
  • Employee: Share their perspective on the problem and its impact.
  • Both: Brainstorm potential solutions collaboratively, encourage out-of-the-box thinking.

Speaker Notes:

In this meeting, you'll work together to define the problem clearly and explore potential solutions. Manager: Start by providing a concise overview of the issue, then listen actively to the employee's perspective. Employee: Don't hesitate to share your thoughts and concerns openly. Both: Be creative and encourage each other to think outside the box. Remember, there are no bad ideas at this stage!

11. Solution Evaluation & Selection: Choosing the Best Path Forward


  • Manager: Evaluate each proposed solution based on feasibility, effectiveness, and resource allocation.
  • Employee: Share their insights and preferences regarding the potential solutions.
  • Both: Collaboratively select the most viable solution and agree on next steps.

Speaker Notes:

Now it's time to analyze the potential solutions carefully. Manager: Guide the discussion by considering factors like cost, time, and impact. Encourage the employee to voice their opinions and concerns. Both: Discuss pros and cons openly and work towards a mutually agreeable solution. Remember, the goal is to choose the best option for both the individual and the team.

12. Action Plan &  Putting the Plan into Action


  • Manager: Develop a clear action plan with specific tasks, deadlines, and assigned responsibilities.
  • Employee: Confirm their understanding of the action plan and express any questions or concerns.
  • Both: Schedule follow-up meetings to track progress and make adjustments as needed.

Speaker Notes:

This is where you turn your chosen solution into reality. Manager: Break down the solution into concrete steps and assign ownership for each action item. Get the employee's input and ensure clarity. Both: Set realistic deadlines and schedule regular check-ins to monitor progress and adjust the plan if necessary. Remember, effective communication and collaboration are key to successful problem-solving!

Category 5: Special Situations

13. Performance Review Meeting: Recognizing Achievements & Setting Goals


  • Manager: Review the employee's performance against established goals and objectives.
  • Employee: Provide self-assessment and respond to feedback received.
  • Both: Discuss goals for the upcoming review period and identify areas for development.

Speaker Notes:

This meeting focuses on evaluating past performance and setting future goals. Manager: Provide constructive feedback, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement. Encourage the employee to actively participate in the discussion. Both: Set SMART goals for the next review period, ensuring alignment with individual and team objectives. Remember, this is a collaborative process aiming to support continuous growth and development.

14. Conflict Resolution Discussion: Finding Common Ground & Moving Forward


  • Manager: Clearly identify the root cause of the conflict and establish ground rules for respectful communication.
  • Both: Share perspectives and concerns openly, actively listening to each other without interrupting.
  • Manager: Facilitate discussion to identify mutually agreeable solutions and action steps.

Speaker Notes:

Addressing conflict constructively is crucial for team success. Manager: Create a safe space for open and honest communication. Emphasize active listening and understanding each other's viewpoints. Guide the discussion towards resolutions that address the concerns of both parties. Remember, the goal is to find common ground and move forward productively.

15. Constructive Feedback Delivery: Building Trust & Enhancing Performance


  • Manager: Focus on specific behaviors, provide clear examples, and avoid personal attacks.
  • Employee: Actively listen, ask clarifying questions, and avoid defensiveness.
  • Both: Discuss ways to improve performance and establish a plan for moving forward.

Speaker Notes:

Effective feedback empowers growth and development. Manager: Frame feedback in a positive and constructive manner, focusing on behaviors rather than personality. Offer specific examples and solutions. Employee: Be receptive to feedback, ask questions for clarification, and avoid taking it personally. Work together to create an actionable plan for improvement. Remember, the goal is to build trust and enhance performance through open communication.

16. Exit Interview: Understanding Reasons & Gathering Feedback


  • Manager: Express appreciation for the employee's contributions and inquire about their reasons for leaving.
  • Employee: Share honest feedback about their experience, company culture, and management style.
  • Both: Discuss potential improvements and gather valuable insights for future growth.

Speaker Notes:

Exit interviews offer valuable insights for improvement. Manager: Thank the employee for their contributions and express genuine interest in their reasons for leaving. Create a safe space for honest feedback. Employee: Be truthful and share your experiences constructively. Use this opportunity to provide valuable feedback that can benefit the company and future employees. Remember, this information can help improve the work environment and employee experience for everyone.

Bonus Templates:

17. Remote Employee Check-in: Bridging the Distance & Staying Connected


  • Manager: Discuss challenges specific to remote work (e.g., isolation, communication, collaboration).
  • Employee: Share their experience working remotely and suggest improvements to tools or processes.
  • Both: Brainstorm solutions to foster connection, engagement, and productivity for remote team members.

Speaker Notes:

Managing remote employees requires different approaches. Recognize and address their unique challenges. Manager: Actively listen and empathize with the employee's experience. Explore ways to improve communication, collaboration, and access to resources. Both: Be creative and collaborative in finding solutions that enhance connection and ensure remote team members thrive.

18. Team Member Recognition Meeting: Celebrating Achievement & Boosting Motivation


  • Manager: Highlight the employee's specific accomplishments and contributions to the team.
  • Employee: Express appreciation for the recognition and share their thoughts on the team dynamic.
  • Both: Discuss how to replicate successful behaviors and continue building a positive team environment.

Speaker Notes:

Recognizing achievements boosts morale and motivation. Manager: Be specific and genuine in your praise, highlighting the positive impact of the employee's work. Employee: Express gratitude for the recognition and share insights on what contributes to a positive team environment. Both: Use this opportunity to motivate further improvement and foster a culture of appreciation.

19. Team Building Activity Discussion: Reflecting on Learnings & Applying to Daily Work


  • Manager: Facilitate a discussion about key takeaways from the team-building activity.
  • Employee: Share their experience and how it impacted team dynamics and communication.
  • Both: Identify strategies to apply learnings from the activity to daily work and improve collaboration.

Speaker Notes:

Team-building activities can enhance collaboration and communication. Manager: Guide the discussion to reflect on key learnings and how they can be applied. Encourage open sharing and participation. Both: Identify specific actions and changes that can be implemented to improve collaboration and teamwork based on the activity's insights.

20. Open Conversation Meeting: Fostering Trust & Psychological Safety


  • Manager: Create a safe space for open dialogue on any topic relevant to the employee or team.
  • Employee: Share their thoughts, concerns, or suggestions in a confidential and supportive environment.
  • Both: Actively listen, engage in dialogue, and work towards open communication and trust building.

Speaker Notes:

Psychological safety is crucial for employee well-being and engagement. Manager: Foster a welcoming and non-judgmental environment where open dialogue is encouraged. Both: Actively listen and engage in respectful dialogue, addressing concerns and working towards solutions. Remember, these open conversations can strengthen trust, communication, and overall team dynamics.

Remember: These are just starting points. Adapt them to your specific needs and preferences to create even more impactful one-on-one meetings!

Stay tuned for the final section - Pro Tips for using these templates effectively!

Pro Tips for Supercharging Your One-on-Ones with Templates:

Remember, these templates are your springboard, not a strict script! Here are some tips to truly unlock their potential:

1. Be a Tailor, Not a Copycat:

  • Customization is key: Don't use the template verbatim. Adapt it to the specific employee's role, personality, and current situation. Consider their career goals, strengths, and areas for development.
  • Mix and match: Combine elements from different templates to create a personalized agenda that addresses multiple needs.
  • Add your own flair: Include your own questions, prompts, and discussion points based on your unique relationship with the employee.

2. Flexibility is Your Friend:

  • Think of templates as guides, not handcuffs: Don't feel obligated to follow every point religiously. Adjust the flow and content based on the conversation's natural direction.
  • Leave room for the unexpected: Be open to discussing topics that arise organically during the meeting. Sometimes, the most valuable conversations go off-script.
  • Encourage employee input: Ask the employee if they have any specific topics they'd like to discuss and adjust the agenda accordingly.

3. Preparation is Power:

  • Don't wing it: Review the relevant employee information and their past performance before the meeting.
  • Come prepared with questions: Tailor your questions to the chosen template and the employee's specific situation.
  • Have specific talking points ready: Think about key feedback you want to share or areas you want to explore further.

4. Action & Follow-up are Crucial:

  • Don't let action items fade away: Clearly define action items with ownership and deadlines at the end of each meeting.
  • Follow up consistently: Check in on action items during subsequent meetings and hold each other accountable.
  • Celebrate progress: Recognize and acknowledge completed action items and achieved goals.

Bonus Tip:

  • Use technology to your advantage: Utilize tools like digital note-taking apps to document key points and action items collaboratively. Share agendas and resources beforehand to prepare for the discussion.

Remember, effective one-on-ones are a two-way street. By actively listening, creating a safe space for open dialogue, and tailoring these templates to your specific needs, you can foster meaningful connections, drive performance, and unlock the full potential of your team.

Wrapping Up: Supercharge Your One-on-Ones with Templates!

Feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of yet another one-on-one meeting? Don't fret! One-on-one meeting templates are your secret weapon to unlock productive, engaging, and personalized interactions with your team.

By using these templates as a starting point, you can:

  • Save time and planning: Choose the template that best fits your needs and customize it accordingly.
  • Ensure key topics are covered: No more wondering what to discuss - the templates guide you through essential points.
  • Foster deeper connections: Personalized discussions tailored to each employee build trust and engagement.
  • Drive performance: Set clear goals, provide constructive feedback, and track progress through action items.

Remember, these templates are a bridge, not a destination. Adapt them, combine them, and add your own flair to create truly impactful one-on-ones. Don't underestimate the power of these personalized interactions to motivate your team, unlock potential, and drive success!

Go forth, and use one-on-one meetings to build stronger relationships, unlock potential, and watch your team thrive!

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