AI Audio Summarizer

Transform any recording into an actionable summary in seconds with our voice summarizer and audio to text summary ai technology.

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Loved by over 1 million users
  • Instant AI Analysis
  • Multiple Audio Formats
  • Smart Summary Generation
  • Trusted and Supported by businesses across the world

    How Audio to Summary AI Works

    1. Upload your audio file (MP3, WAV, M4A supported)
    2. Our AI analyzes the content in real-time
    3. Review your generated summary within minutes
    4. Edit and export in your preferred format

    Benefits of Audio Summarizer

    Our powerful audio summarizer technology helps you save hours of time by automatically extracting key information from any audio file. Whether you're processing lectures, meetings, or podcasts, our AI-powered system delivers accurate, concise summaries while preserving the most important details. Get started with unlimited summarizations of files up to 30 minutes long.

    ScreenApp's Audio Summarizer FAQ

    How accurate is the audio summarizer free?

    Our audio summarizer free version maintains 95% accuracy for clear recordings, using advanced AI to capture key points and main ideas while filtering out unnecessary information.

    Can I summarize voice recording in different languages?

    Yes, our summarize voice recording feature supports 30+ languages including English, Spanish, French, and German with high accuracy.

    What's the maximum length for audio summary ai?

    The free version allows summarization of files up to 30 minutes, while premium users can process recordings up to 4 hours long.

    How does the voice summarizer compare to manual transcription?

    Our voice summarizer reduces transcription time by 90% compared to manual methods, while maintaining high accuracy and identifying key points automatically.

    Is there a recording summarizer app available?

    Yes, our recording summarizer is available as both a web application and mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

    Still have questions?

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